muž Kyselinar2
20-03-2017 23:53
Dobre vidím ? Forum opät funguje, predtym sa tu nedalo neako pridavat spravy zdravim fanusikov B5ťky :)))
muž be_
18-03-2017 21:26
Aká je šanca, že B5 bude odvysielaný opäť v slovenčine v TV?
muž be_
13-02-2017 00:53
Stále tu .)
muž marek
09-01-2017 19:32
Teraz som si vsimol aka tvrdka, omg
muž Marek
08-01-2017 16:32
Zavytal som tu po dlhom case a som rad ze to tu este (alebo zase) funguje. Oprasil som spomienky na stare casi s B5 kazde popoludnie. Good job
muž Admin
29-11-2016 15:27
Sputnik, no poradie sledovania je vzhľadom na skoky v deji filmov rôzne, 100% správnu odpoveď ti teda nedám, ale aj tvoj zoznam dáva zmysel :)
muž Sputnik
27-11-2016 19:23
Babylon 5 som zacal sledovat po prvy krat az tento rok...a fakt musim uznat ze je to zatracene skvely serial. Serial som zacal sledovat v tomto poradi...a uz som pri a moja otazka....v mojom poradi je film River of the inom mieste ako sa uvadza tu....ako to je teda spravne...

Watch "The Gathering" pilot movie
Watch all of Seasons 1, 2 and 3.
Watch Season 4 up to Episode 8
Watch B5 Movie "Thirdspace"
Watch Season 4 Episode 9 with Delenn as she goes into the dreaming. This is good background material for the next movie
Watch "In The Beginning" immediately after Season 4 Episode 9 and before Episode 10. This is the best time to watch the movie as you don't get spoilers and it ties in really well with episode 9 in Season 4.
Watch the rest of Season 4
Watch Season 5 right up to the episode BEFORE "Objects In Motion"
Watch "Legend Of the Rangers" A lot of people slag this movie, but for G'Kar alone it is worth watching and infinitely better than Star Trek V.
Watch "A Call To Arms" which sets up the spin off show Crusade.
Watch the 13 episode series Crusade next.
Watch "The Lost Tales" the 2007 I think it was, direct to DVD movie.
Watch the Season 5 episode "Objects in Motion".
Watch the movie "River of Souls" as this takes place in the year 2263 between "Objects in Motion" and "Objects at Rest" in Season 5 and makes the most sense to watch here.
Watch "Objects at Rest" and the grande finale "Sleeping In Light" Watching these 2 episodes back to back has the best emotional impact.
muž asmodeus
15-11-2016 20:46
Suhlasim s Ferom.
muž Fero
07-11-2016 23:01
Veľké uznanie pre tvorcov tohto webu. B5 je klasika a aj vďaka Vám stále žije. :)
muž be_
05-01-2012 21:34
Zdravim, ak pouzivate rss..

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